
Manchester Farmers Market

The Manchester Farmers Market runs from May 25th-Oct 12th We’re open every Thursday, rain or shine, from 3pm-6pm. We accept Debit, Credit, EBT, and Farm to Family coupons. There is ample parking; look for our parking lot sign
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The Manchester Farmers Market runs from May 25th-Oct 12th We’re open every Thursday, rain or shine, from 3pm-6pm. We accept Debit, Credit, EBT, and Farm to Family coupons. There is ample parking; look for our parking lot signs, or park on the street next to the market.

Our market is a producer-only market that began in 2000 with a handful of vendors. Since then we’ve grown to over 30 vendors, featuring local farmers and artisans. We were originally located in the Dana L. Thompson Memorial Park, but in 2012 the market relocated to Adams Park in the heart of Manchester. The market continues to grow and feature new vendors, as well as some vendors that have been with us from the very beginning.

What does it mean to be producer-only? At producer-only markets anyone selling food or crafts had to have a direct hand in making the product. Any day you come to shop, you can ask any vendor about their products and they will be able to answer all of your questions. Our farmers come to the markets themselves and they are happy to answer any questions you have about what they sell.

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Winter’s coming in hot and Stratton’s raising the bar! Our preview highlights major lift updates, fresh après scenes, and more ways to shred. Gear up and discover a season of elevated runs, big vibes, and next-level chill.
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